Category: News

Web 3.0? What's it all about?

Web3, also known as Web 3.0, is the next generation of Internet technology that aims to improve the connectivity, security and interoperability of data on the network. It focuses on the use of decentralized technologies, such as smart contracts and blockchain, to enable users to better control and protect their personal data, as well as to facilitate online transactions and interactions.

One of the key features of Web3 is that it is based on decentralized protocols that do not depend on a central authority to operate. This means that there is no single server storing data or processing transactions, but rather these tasks are distributed across a network of nodes that work together to keep the system running.

Another important feature of Web3 is the use of blockchain to store and verify data. The blockchain is a distributed data ledger that is cryptographically secure and can be used to store information on financial transactions, digital identities and much more. By using blockchain, Web3 enables more secure and transparent transactions that are difficult to falsify or reverse.

Web3 also enables richer interactions between users using smart contracts. Smart contracts are computer programs that can be run on the blockchain, enabling rules and conditions to be defined for transactions. For example, a smart contract can be used to ensure that payments are made only when certain conditions are met, such as the delivery of a product or the signing of a document.

In short, Web3 is the next stage of the Internet, focusing on the use of decentralized technologies to give users greater control and protection over their personal data, and to facilitate online transactions and interactions in a more secure, transparent and richly interactive way.

Working on blockchain

Blockchain is a distributed data storage technology that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It enables information about financial transactions, digital identities and much more to be stored securely and transparently. If you're interested in working with blockchain, there are several areas in which you can specialize.

  1. Developing smart contracts Smart contracts are computer programs that can be run on the blockchain. They enable rules and conditions to be defined for transactions, making them a powerful tool for decentralized financial applications. Smart contract developers can work on creating new contracts, optimizing the performance of existing ones or setting up security systems to protect contracts from attack. The most commonly used languages are Solidity for Ethereum and Chaincode for Hyperledger.
  2. Node development Nodes are computers that form part of a blockchain network and are used to store copies of the blockchain database. Node developers can work on creating new nodes, optimizing the performance of existing nodes or setting up security systems to protect nodes from attacks.
  3. Decentralized application development (DApps) DApps are decentralized applications that run on the blockchain. DApps developers can work on creating new applications, optimizing the performance of existing applications or setting up security systems to protect applications from attacks.
  4. Blockchain research Blockchain researchers can work on creating new algorithms to improve blockchain performance, or on finding vulnerabilities in existing systems.
  5. Operations and governance Blockchain operators are responsible for maintaining and optimizing blockchain networks. Governance managers work on the decisions that are made for the network, its rules and policies.

There are many other areas in which you can work on blockchain, but these key areas will give you an overview of the opportunities available in the industry. To work on blockchain, it's important to have a good understanding of the fundamental concepts of the technology, such as cryptography, consensus protocols and smart contracts. It's also useful to have programming skills, particularly in programming languages commonly used in the industry, such as Solidity, Chaincode, Go or JavaScript.

It's important to keep up with industry developments by reading articles and attending blockchain conferences. There are many online communities dedicated to blockchain where you can exchange with other professionals and learn new things.

It's also essential to be familiar with the different types of blockchain in existence, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger and EOS, as well as the different possible uses and use cases.

Finally, to succeed in this constantly evolving field, it's important to be curious, passionate about new technologies and always on the lookout for the latest industry trends and developments. Blockchain is an exciting and fast-growing field that offers many opportunities for technology professionals.

Fibroweb supports your Web 3.0 projects!

Fibroweb is a website creation and innovative business support agency that can help project leaders succeed in the world of web3 (but also web 2.0, of course).

Fibroweb can help project owners succeed in the web3 world by offering customized website creation services that use the latest technologies and trends in web development. The agency can help companies create decentralized websites that use blockchain technologies to store and verify data, as well as facilitate online transactions.

By using smart contracts, Fibroweb can also help companies automate business processes such as payments and data exchange, making them more efficient and secure.

Fibroweb can also help companies adopt advanced cybersecurity practices to protect their websites and data from cyberattacks. Using encryption, distributed storage and data validation techniques, the agency can help companies strengthen the security of their websites to protect their users' data.

Finally, Fibroweb can also help companies connect with communities of developers and users focused on web3, offering long-term support to help them develop their projects on this constantly evolving technology.

In short, by leveraging its expertise in website design, decentralized technology development and cybersecurity, Fibroweb can help project owners succeed in the web3 world by supporting them throughout their decentralized website design project, offering tailor-made solutions and helping them connect to the web3 community.

The Fibroweb team wishes you all the best!

Dear customer,

As we approach the end of the year, it's the perfect time to stop and take a moment to thank each and every one of you for your trust and support over the past year.

At Fibroweb, we're proud to have helped many of our customers launch innovative digital projects. We're convinced that these projects have a positive impact on businesses and society in general, and we're delighted to be able to contribute to them.

As we prepare to celebrate the festive season, we'd like to wish you all a very happy holiday season and a great start to the new year. We hope you take the time to relax and spend time with your family and loved ones.

We look forward to continuing to work with you in 2023 and to supporting your innovative projects. We can't wait to see what the future holds, and to discover the new opportunities that lie ahead.

Once again, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year, and hope you enjoy the company of your loved ones.

Sincerely, the Fibroweb team.

LE KAP NUMÉRIK - The digital voucher for businesses on Reunion Island

What is Kap Numérik?

Kap numérik version 2021 to 2023 (formerly known as Chèque numérique) is a regional plan funded by the ERDF under the REACT-EU strand, to help businesses following the COVID-19 pandemic. This grant is a maximum allowance of €3,200 to support small-scale digital projects in La Réunion.

For whom?

Industry in the urban sense and businesses, excluding the digital industry, agriculture and fishing. The scheme supports companies with fewer than 20 employees, including those without employees, registered with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés or the Registre des Métiers, and headquartered in La Réunion. For companies with between 0 and 9 employees, the sales threshold is low and capped at 500,000 euros.

For companies with 10 to 19 employees, the sales threshold is low and capped at 1,000,000 euros. Associations with fewer than 10 employees, domiciled in La Réunion.

Unregulated self-employed or similar professionals, resident in La Réunion, with sales limited to 500,000 euros.

Would you like to find out more about digitalization assistance for companies located on Reunion Island? Click here.

What is the amount of regional aid?

Maximum reimbursement of €3,200 :

- 80 % of eligible expenditure excluding VAT for structures with 0 to 9 employees

- 50 % of eligible expenditure excluding VAT for structures with 10 to 19 employees

Subsidy amounts will also be capped according to the actions presented and evaluated on the basis of the estimate received:

- Creation or redesign of a showcase website: €1,200

- Creation of an e-commerce site: €2,000

- Chat Bot: €2,000

- Mobile application development: €2,000

- Community management services: €1,000

- Support in defining digital strategy: €500

- Support for digitizing content (photo credits, web design, logo-chart, etc.): €2,000

- Security services (security audits, website security, data security, etc.): €1,000

- Subscription to a marketplace: €1,000

What are you waiting for to create your website?

Let's talk about your website creation, e-commerce site creation or mobile application creation project! We've been experts in this field for many years, helping a large number of companies and merchants with their digitalization projects.

Would you like to make an appointment to talk to an advisor? Click here.